the love blast from kathleen smith!
Freak Flag with Kathleen Smith!
follow the joy with rob bell | freak flag episode 13

follow the joy with rob bell | freak flag episode 13

in which rob & kath chat it up about his new book Where'd You Park Your Spaceship + mysteries, vagaries & adventures of creativity + other stuff, per usual...

Freak Friends, it is my super pleasure to bring you an episode with the inimitable ROB BELL (!) today!

We chatted a few days after my album MEDICINE came out, and we had a grand ol’ time. He recently released a new book called WHERE’D YOU PARK YOUR SPACESHIP & we chatted it up about following the thread of joy and inspiration, even when it leads to unknown places.

Rob Bell is the New York Times Bestselling author of fourteen books and plays which have been translated into 25 languages. His latest is an intergalactic tale of love, loss, and bread called WHERE'D YOU PARK YOUR SPACESHIP? His visual art can be seen on Instagram @realrobbell, his band is HUMANS ON THE FLOOR, and his podcast is called The RobCast. Rob lives with his family in Ojai, California. 

No show notes this time—just put this baby on and enjoy the ride!

Get in Rob’s world below:



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Go to to listen to MEDICINE and order your very own limited edition, signed, numbered PINK vinyl (only

available until Dec. 1, 2023)!

the love blast from kathleen smith!
Freak Flag with Kathleen Smith!
Off the cuff conversations with Kathleen Smith, multi-dimensional creative passionista musician, artist, healer, music supervisor and adventurer. Topics include but are not limited to arts and creativity, health & fitness, spirituality, embodiment, snacks, music & the biz, songs, the practice of making stuff (ie "make your art!), books kath is currently enjoying (or writing) and folks kath wants you to know about because they changed her life and maybe you wanna know, too! Guests include industry leaders in the health, wellness, spirituality, music and creativity spaces.